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  • FOSS4G 2021 - Using Leafmap for Geospatial Analysis and Data Visualization (notebook)
  • SIGSPATIAL 2021 - Interactive Mapping and Geospatial Analysis with Leafmap & Jupyter (notebook)
  • YouthMappers 2021 - Interactive Mapping and Geospatial Analysis with Leafmap and Jupyter (notebook)


  1. Introducing the leafmap Python package for interactive mapping (video | gif | notebook)
  2. Using basemaps in leafmap (video | gif | notebook)
  3. Using Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) and SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) (notebook)
  4. Creating a virtual mosaic of Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COG) (notebook)
  5. Loading local raster datasets with leafmap (notebook)
  6. Adding custom legends to the map (notebook)
  7. Adding custom colorbars to the map (notebook)
  8. Using WhiteboxTools with leafmap (notebook)
  9. Converting CSV to points (notebook)
  10. Adding local vector data (e.g., shp, geojson, kml) to the map (notebook)
  11. Creating linked maps for visualizing multiple maps simultaneously (notebook)
  12. Creating a split-panel map with only one line of code (notebook)
  13. Adding a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame to the map with a single line of code (notebook)
  14. Adding data from a PostGIS database to the map (notebook)
  15. Downloading OpenStreetMap data with a single line of code (notebook)
  16. Using HERE Map Widget for Jupyter as a plotting backend (notebook)
  17. Adding vector tile layers to the map (notebook)
  18. Adding a point layer with popup attributes to the map (notebook)
  19. Saving maps as a html file (notebook)
  20. Adding Planet global monthly and quarterly mosaic (notebook)
  21. Using timeseries inspector with a single click (notebook)
  22. Using time slider for visualizing timeseries images (notebook)
  23. Creating colormaps with a single line of code (notebook)
  24. Creating heat map from csv (notebook)
  25. Creating a population heat map with a colorbar and map title (notebook)
  26. Creating an interactive map using the plotting backend (notebook)
  27. Creating a basemap gallery (notebook)
  28. Publishing maps with a single line of code (notebook)
  29. Using the pydeck plotting backend (notebook)
  30. Using U.S. Census data (notebook)
  31. Searching basemaps with xyzservices (notebook)
  32. Loading local raster datasets and Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) (notebook)
  33. Adding image overlay to the map (notebook)
  34. Adding points from xy data (e.g., CSV, Pandas DataFrame) (notebook)
  35. Adding circle markers from xy data (e.g., CSV, Pandas DataFrame) (notebook)
  36. Adding labels to the map (notebook)
  37. Adding Planetary Computer STAC item to the map (notebook)
  38. Using the plotly plotting backend (notebook)
  39. Getting pixel values using the Inspector tool (notebook)
  40. Using the interactive plotly toolbar GUI (notebook)
  41. Loading COG/STAC items using the raster GUI (notebook)
  42. Creating Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) (notebook)
  43. Searching for locations and features in vector data (notebook)
  44. Opening vector data attribute table without coding (notebook)
  45. Creating vector data interactively without coding (notebook)
  46. Editing existing vector data interactively without coding (notebook)
  47. Converting numpy array to COG (notebook)
  48. Visualizing LiDAR data in 3D with only one line of code (notebook)
  49. Creating a split-panel map with folium (notebook)
  50. Creating a marker cluster with custom icons (notebook)
  51. Clipping an image by mask (notebook)
  52. Visualizing NetCDF data (notebook)
  53. Creating choropleth maps with a variety of classification schemes (notebook)
  54. Plotting elevation data in 3D without only one line of code (notebook)
  55. LiDAR data analysis and visualization with whitebox and leafmap (notebook)
  56. Downloading 10-m National Elevation Dataset (NED) with only one line of code (notebook)
  57. Download data from The National Map (notebook)
  58. Creating interactive maps with bokeh (notebook)
  59. Creating legends using leafmap with only one line of code (notebook)
  60. Adding text, images, HTML, and widgets to the map (notebook)
  61. Creating an animated GIF from a vector dataset (notebook)
  62. Adding colorbars to a folium map (notebook)
  63. Using leafmap with ArcGIS Pro (notebook)
  64. Searching open geospatial datasets using STAC API (notebook)
  65. Visualizing raster datasets interactively in SageMaker Studio Lab (notebook)
  66. Developing interactive web apps with gradio and leafmap (notebook)
  67. Visualizing Maxar Open Data with Leafmap (notebook)
  68. Searching and visualizing OpenAerialMap imagery with leafmap (notebook)
  69. Visualizing Maxar Open Data for the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake (notebook)
  70. Calculating zonal statistics - summarizing geospatial raster datasets based on vector geometries (notebook)
  71. Loading geospatial datasets from an AWS S3 bucket (notebook)
  72. Creating timelapse animations from satellite imagery timeseries (notebook)
  73. Searching Geospatial Data Interactively with Custom STAC API Endpoints (notebook)
  74. Downloading maps tiles and converting them to a GeoTIFF file (notebook)
  75. Segmenting satellite imagery with the Segment Anything Model (notebook)
  76. Comparing images with an interactive slider (notebook)
  77. Splitting a raster dataset into multiple tiles (notebook)
  78. Interactive Extraction and Visualization of AWS Open Geospatial Data (notebook)
  79. Visualizing time series images interactively with a time slider (notebook)
  80. Visualizing solar radiation data from Google Solar API (notebook)
  81. Downloading Microsoft and Google Building Footprints (notebook)
  82. Visualizing PMTiles with leafmap (notebook)
  83. Visualizing large vector datasets with lonboard (notebook)
  84. Reading GeoParquet files and visualizing vector data interactively (notebook)
  85. How to search and download GEDI L4A dataset interactively (notebook)
  86. Adding markers to the map (notebook)
  87. Cloud-based geoprocessing with Actinia (notebook)
  88. Searching and downloading NASA Earth science data products (notebook)
  89. Visualizing in-memory raster datasets and image arrays (notebook)
  90. Querying pixel values with the interactive pixel inspector (notebook)
  91. Visualizing raster data interactively (notebook)
  92. Creating 3D maps with the MapLibre mapping backend (notebook)
  93. Visualizing PMTiles with Leafmap and MapLibre (notebook)
  94. Creating 3D maps with Mapbox (notebook)
  95. Editing vector data interactively (notebook)
